
Why SoilFreeze

The SoilFreeze system is a comprehensive alternative to other shoring methods. Ground freezing should be an option if you are considering soil nailing, soldier piles and lagging, sheet piles, caissons, slurry walls, or secant piles for your project. If your project has difficult soil conditions, many of these methods are not feasible or can have marginal success. Ground freezing can handle the most difficult soil conditions with great results.


“The freezing method is remarkably versatile and, with ingenuity, 
it can be adapted to a great many project conditions.” 
Dr. Kamran M. Nemati, Professor in Construction Management and Civil Engineering at the University of Washington


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Frozen soil barriers are “environmentally benign” and have significant advantages over “conventional containment systems using steel, concrete, slurry walls, or grout curtains” and offer “extremely low maintenance costs, allowing continued use for extended periods”. EPA Site Technology Program, (7th edition, p. 202).


Department of Energy (DOE) - “Frozen soil can eliminate groundwater flow paths” and “the potential is great” (Scientific Ecology Group, Inc. for Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Document STD-R-00-01, February 1995).*

* Results from ground freezing for the complete, reversible isolation of a volume of contaminated soil from surrounding soils and groundwater under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.






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